Model 875 | 10 MHz to 40 GHzMulti-Channel Vector Signal Generators

Model 875 | 10 MHz to 40 GHzMulti-Channel Vector Signal Generators

The Model 875 is an ultra-fast-switching vector-modulated signal source covering a continuous frequency range from 10 MHz to 40 GHz. The Model 875 offers switching speeds as fast as 2 µs, enables ultrafast CW frequency sweeps, chirping, intra-pulse modulation and pulse shaping, all with very low phase noise. A high-performance internal I/Q modulator enables customized modulation waveforms and supports dedicated modulation schemes such as avionics modulations. This newly engineered design couples extremely deep memory and wideband capabilities - making complex modulation affordable and easy to program. 

Pulse Descriptor Word (PDW) is precompiled data format containing parametric information such as pulse duration (or pulse width), pulse amplitude, and frequency, including angle and time of arrival. These PDWs can be uploaded into the Model 875 internal memory through the Ethernet or USB communication ports. During playback, each PDW is translated into corresponding modulation parameters, sequentially and in real time. This generates a stream of modulated signals useful for radar simulation and other applications requiring more demanding modulation schemes. Additionally, multiple accurately timed PDW sequences, with phase coherence and calibrations, can be played back simultaneously with our multi-channel 875 VSGs.

Additionally, individual PDWs can be fed into the Model 875 internal memory sequentially and in real-time through the 875 Fast Control Port  (FCP) for immediate or delayed playback. This is a convenient way for research and development (R&D) engineers in verifying radar equipment on the fly. Users can quickly change parameters and have flexibility when designing complex radar simulations, especially in the demanding electronics warfare (EW) environment which often requires high pulse density.

Model 875 Modulations
Model 875 IQ Modulation Sequencer Playback - Pulse Chirp, BPSK, QAM, and Multitone

Berkeley Nucleonics’ multi-channel Model 875 VSGs have a combination of fea­tures such as fast switching, phase coherence, phase-coherent switch­ing, and timing-accurate operation. With this new family of VSGs, users are able to eas­ily generate versatile and realistic pulse signals in radar, EW and 5G/6G Communications application scenarios. Mul­tiple lists of PDWs can be replayed from the internal memory or live-streamed through the fast control ports. The Model 875-4-40 offers four channels of accurately timed and phase calibrated signals in an "industry best" compact 2U package! 


Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 4 GHz
10 MHz to 6 GHz
10 MHz to 12 GHz
10 MHz to 20 GHz
10 MHz to 40 GHz
Number of Channels: 1 Channel [Desktop Chassis. Check RM option below for 2U Rackmount]
2 Channels in 2U Rackmount
3 Channels in 2U Rackmount
4 Channels in 2U Rackmount
Options: [-LN] Enhanced Close-In Phase Noise
[-LN+] Enhanced Close-In Phase Noise and Long Term Stability
[-100k] Frequency Extension down to 100 kHz
[-AWGN] Additive White Gaussian Noise
[-UFS] Ultra Fast Switching
[-FCP] Fast Control Port
[-PHS] Phase-Coherent Switching (per Output)
[-MOD] Analog Modulation (AM, FM, Phase Modulation)
[-IVM] Internal Digital Modulation Schemes
[-PE] Mechanical Step Attenuator down to -90dBm
[-PE2] Mechanical Step Attenuator down to -120dBm
[-PE4] Electrical Step Attenuator [only for 875-4, -6, -12]
[-AVIO] Avionics Modulation (DME, VOR, ILS)
[-PDW] Pulse Descriptor Word
[-SYNC] Multi-device Synchronization
[-VREF] Variable External Reference Input from 1 MHz to 250 MHz
[-AIQ] External Analog I/Q Inputs
[-SD] MicroSD card slot for external IQ data Storage
[-RM] 19" 2U Rackmount Chassis
[-GPIB] GPIB Interface
Accessories: [-EB] External Battery Bank [P/N 7146]
19" 3U Single/Dual Rackmount Kit for Benchtop Chassis [P/N 7091]
Spare Power Supply [P/N 7143]
Model 875-4
10MHz - 4 GHz Vector Signal Generator





  • Excellent Phase Noise
  • Fast Control Port
  • Ultra-fast switching
  • Ultra-high I/Q data rates, deep internal memory
  • Wideband linear chirp
  • GSM/EDGE, 3GPP FDD including HSDPA, GPS, CDMA2000 

Frequency 875-4: 10 MHz to 4 GHz
875-6: 10 MHz to 6 GHz
875-12: 10 MHz to 12 GHz
875-20: 10 MHz to 20 GHz
875-40: 10 MHz to 40 GHz
Resolution  0.001 Hz
Output Power -50 to +20dBm  (-90dBm optional)
Switching Speed <500us (<2 us with option UFS)
Phase Noise ( 1 GHz ) at 10 Hz: -87 dBc/Hz [-100 dBc/Hz  with option LN]
at 1 kHz: -130 dBc/Hz
at 20 kHz: -145 dBc/Hz
at 100 kHz: -150 dBc/Hz
Remote Control    Ethernet, USB, and optional GPIB (SCPI v1999)
Modulation I/Q, Pulse, Analog Modulation
Sweeps Complex Lists
References Input 10 MHz or Variable 5 MHz to 250 MHz (option VREF)
References Output 10 MHz / 100 MHz
Benchtop Dimensions (W x L x H)
6.77" x 11.412" x 4.12" [172 x290 x 105mm] (incl. connectors)
6.0lbs. (8.0lbs. shipping)
Rackmount Dimensions (W x L x H)
2U 17.5" x 24" x 3.5" [444 x 610 x 88mm] (incl. connectors)
40.0lbs. (42.0lbs. shipping)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Front Office | How do I order a product for fast delivery ?

Front Office | How do I order a product for fast delivery ?

To check price and delivery, to place a Purchase Order, or to expedite an existing order, please call 415-453-9955, email or fill out a Get a Quote form. Typical response time is less than 2 hours. 

RF Configuration Options | What are the differences between LN and LN+?

RF Configuration Options | What are the differences between LN and LN+?

The key difference between LN and LN+ is that LN+ will have better long-term performance—for example, a better Allan variance for a longer time. For short-time performance, they are identical. 

Here's another example...Option LN adds a 100 MHz OCXO on the ref board, applying to all channels. Option LN+ will do the same. The only difference is that the OCXO will have better long-term stability. 

You can incorporate either LN or LN+. Options can't be combined and priced per unit. 

Downloadable Resources 

Downloadable resources such as datasheets, firmware, software, drivers and products manuals. Alternatively, you can browse resources directly by visiting our downloads page.

Product Datasheets
• Product Firmware
• Product Software and Drivers
• Product Manuals


Video URL 
Video title 
Vector Signal Generator Webinar
Video URL 
Video title 
Ultimate Guide! The Perfect RF & Microwave Signal Generator

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