Europium doped Strontium Iodide scintillators feature very high light yields and excellent performance over a broad range of energies. SrI2(Eu) crystals are hygroscopic, relatively slow, and inherently free of intrinsic radioactivity. Srl2(Eu) scintillators are available from BNC encapsulated with an entrance window, integrally coupled to a light sensor such as a PMT or SiPM, or fully integrated in detector assemblies with light sensor and front-end electronics.
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SrI2(Eu) crystals are extremely bright and feature excellent proportionality. The material performs very well at both high and low energies. Typical energy resolutions are 3.5% FWHM for 662 keV and 6% FWHM for 122 keV. Srl2(Eu) is also quite radiopure. Due to its intrinsic self-absorption, the crystal requires special surface preparations techniques. Its long decay time requires long digital shaping time constants (>10 us) which can complicate high count rate behavior. The self-absorption limits the maximum size of the crystal to approximately 4 cm.
Density [g/cm3] |
4.6 |
Hygroscopic |
Yes |
Wavelength of emission [nm] |
400-480 |
Refractive index @ emission max |
1.85 |
Decay time [μs] |
1-5 (size dependent) |
Energy resolution [%] @ 662 keV |
Approx. 3.5 % |
Light yield [photons/keV γ] |
80 |
Photoelectron yield [% of NaI(Tl)] (for γ-rays) |
120-140 |
Ce concentration |
2 mol % |
Typical Energy Resolution for 38 x 38 mm crystals
Energy |
Resolution |
59.5 keV |
10% |
122 keV |
6% |
356 keV |
5% |
662 keV |
3.50% |
1332 keV |
3% |
2600 keV |
2.50% |
Thorium spectrum of 38 x 38 mm SrI2(Eu) detector
Cs-137 spectrum of 38 x 38 mm SrI2(Eu) detector
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