Cerium doped Yttrium Aluminum Perovskite (YAP:Ce) crystals are fast and mechanically robust scintillators ideal for use in the detection of low energy X-rays and gamma rays. Due to the material’s very fast decay time, detectors equipped with YAP:Ce can be operated at count rates of several MHz.
Contact BNC for more information or to discuss your application. You can also tell us about your requirements by completing our brief detector Survey.
YAP:Ce scintillators offer an alternative to thin NaI(Tl) crystals traditionally used for low energy X-ray and gamma ray applications. The count rate of NaI(Tl) however, is limited to only several hundred kHz. YAP:Ce on the other hand is roughly ten times faster than NaI(Tl) allowing for its efficient use at very high count rates. In addition, YAP:Ce scintillators are not hygroscopic and do not need to be hermetically sealed. Fully finished YAP:Ce detector assemblies are available from Berkeley Nucleonics in a range of sizes and configurations. Contact BNC to discuss your requirements.
Physical Properties of YAP:Ce compared to NaI(Tl)
YAP:Ce |
NaI(Tl) |
Density (g/cm3) |
5.55 |
3.67 |
Effective atomic number |
36 |
50 |
Rel. photo electron yield |
35-40 |
100 |
Refractive index |
1.94 |
1.85 |
Emission maximum (nm) |
350 |
410 |
Decay time (ns) |
27 |
230 |
Hardness (Mho) |
8.5 |
2 |
Hygroscopic |
no |
yes |
Maximum diameter (mm) |
50 |
500 |
Energy Resolution for YAP:Ce Scintillation Detectors
Source |
Energy |
Energy resolution (FWHM) |
Am-241 |
59.5 keV |
20% |
I-129 |
30.0 keV |
32% |
Co-57 |
14.4 keV |
45% |
Fe-55 |
5.9 keV |
69% |
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