Custom Scintillation Detectors, Radiation Detection

Custom Scintillation Detectors

LaBr3 Detector

LaBr3 Lanthanum Bromide Scintillation Detector

LaBr crystal scintillators, also known as Lanthanum Bromide crystal scintillators are inorganic halide salt crystal. It has been a key reference for excellent energy resolution and fast emission. 

NaI (Tl) Sodium Iodide Scintillation

NaI(Tl) Sodium Iodide Scintillation Detectors

High-quality Sodium Iodide crystal scintillators are available with a large variety of form factors and sizes. These detectors offer the best performance and resolution for your nuclear spectroscopy applications. Custom crystal & detector assemblies. 

Custom Scintillator

Cerium Bromide CeBr3 High Resolution / Low Background Scintillators

Cerium Bromide scintillators feature very high light-yields, fast response, and high-density properties. The key advantage to the material, when compared to other high-resolution scintillators, is its very low intrinsic background noise. CeBr3 is also fast without any slow components.

SiPM Based Alpha / Beta Detectors

Thin model Alpha/Beta SiPM Scintillation detector with built-in temperature compensated bias generator and preamplifier

CsI Scintillator

(CsI) Cesium Iodide Scintillation Detectors

High-quality Cesium Iodide crystal scintillators are available with a large variety of form factors and sizes.  These detectors offer excellent performance and resolution for your nuclear spectroscopy applications.

Cesium iodide (CsI) is a robust material that doesn’t cleave or crack under stress. It is minimally hygroscopic and a relatively bright scintillator that BNC employs with a...

CLLBC Gamma-Neutron Scintillator for SPRDs and RIIDs

CLLBC Scintillators High Resolution Gamma / Neutron Detectors

Dual mode CLLBC crystal offer an ideal solution for applications that require high-resolution gamma spectroscopy and Neutron detection in one scintillator. CLLBC scintillators feature energy resolution of 3% FWHM at 662 keV and excellent gamma / neutron separation using Pulse Shape Discrimination.

Lanthanum BromoChloride (LBC) A

Lanthanum BromoChloride (LBC) High Resolution LBC Scintillators

LBC (Lanthanum BromoChloride) LaBr2.85Cl0.15:Ce scintillators offer an alternative to NaI(Tl) and CeBr3 detectors for high resolution gamma spectroscopy applications. LBC scintillators feature similar properties to the well-known LaBr3 material but are mechanically stronger. Typical energy resolutions for LBC detectors are 3% FWHM for 662 keV, an improvement to the 4%...

Barium Fluoride BaF2 A

BaF2 Barium Fluoride Scintillators for Fast Timing Measurements

BaF2 scintillators are used for fast timing measurements where sub nanosecond time resolution is required. Supported applications include Positron Life Studies, Time of Flight (TOF) measurement, and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Complete assemblies with crystal, light read out device, and front end electronics available from Berkeley Nucleonics.

YAP:Ce Scintillators for Fast X-Ray Spectroscopy

Cerium doped Yttrium Aluminum Perovskite (YAP:Ce) crystals are fast and mechanically robust scintillators ideal for use in the detection of low energy X-rays and gamma rays. Due to the material’s very fast decay time, detectors equipped with YAP:Ce can be operated at count rates of several MHz.

Strontium Iodide scintillation

Srl2(Eu) - Strontium Iodide High Resolution / Low Background Scintillators

Europium doped Strontium Iodide scintillators feature very high light yields and excellent performance over a broad range of energies. SrI2(Eu) crystals are hygroscopic, relatively slow, and inherently free of intrinsic radioactivity. Srl2(Eu) scintillators are available from BNC encapsulated with an entrance window, integrally coupled to a light sensor such as a PMT or ...

CLYC:Ce Gamma / Neutron Scintillators

Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC) scintillators combine the characteristics of medium resolution gamma ray detectors and 3He neutron detectors in one scintillation material.

Compton Suppressors Anti Compton Shields

Compton Suppression Shields are scintillation detector assemblies that are mounted around a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector to detect the gamma rays scattered by the Ge crystal when a Compton event occurs. Many options are available and careful consideration should be taken when selecting the scintillation crystal(s) and the assembly design. Please download our comprehensive application...

Silicon Photomultiplier Readout (SiPM)

Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) offer an alternative to the traditional readout of scintillators with photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). SiPMs are mechanically compact, can be operated at low voltages, and are impervious to magnetic fields. The energy resolution possible with SiPMs is in some instances comparable to that achieved by PMTs. This value is in practice determined by the type of...