LBC (Lanthanum BromoChloride) LaBr2.85Cl0.15:Ce scintillators offer an alternative to NaI(Tl) and CeBr3 detectors for high resolution gamma spectroscopy applications. LBC scintillators feature similar properties to the well-known LaBr3 material but are mechanically stronger. Typical energy resolutions for LBC detectors are 3% FWHM for 662 keV, an improvement to the 4% provided by CeBr3. In contrast to the background free properties of CeBr3 however, LBC crystals exhibit the same La-138 background as LaBr3. This presence of this intrinsic background is due to the presence of Lanthanum in the material.
LBC scintillators are hygroscopic and are available from BNC encapsulated with an entrance window, integrally coupled to a light sensor such as a PMT or SiPM, or fully integrated in detector assemblies with light sensor and front-end electronics. Sizes ranging from pixels for arrays to volumes as large as 102 x 127 mm are currently available.
Contact BNC for more information or to discuss your application. You can also tell us about your requirements by completing our brief detector Survey.
Density |
4.90 g/cc |
Maximum Emission |
380 nm |
Decay Time (Typical) |
35 ns (primary component) |
Refractive Index |
1.90 |
Photoelectron Yield |
140 |
Hygroscopic |
Yes |
Typical LBC Energy Spectrum for Cs-137
Typical LBC Energy Spectrum for Co-57
Typical Energy Resolution vs. CeBr3 and NaI(Tl)
Energy (keV) |
Typical Resolution LBC |
Typical Resolution CeBr3 |
Typical Resolution NaI(Tl) |
30 (129-I) |
15% |
22% |
16% |
59.5 (241-Am) |
10% |
15% |
12% |
122 (57-Co) |
6.4% |
10% |
9% |
356 (133-Ba) |
4% |
5% |
8% |
662 (137-Cs) |
3% |
4% |
7% |
1332 (60-Co) |
2.5% |
3% |
5.5% |
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