Model 645 | 50 MHzArbitrary Waveform/Function Generator

645 50MHz Arb Generator

Model 645 | 50 MHzArbitrary Waveform/Function Generator

The BNC Model 645 50MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator delivers many advanced features and user modes than our previous models, with a price that is designed to meet tough economic constraints. New DDS+ technology embraces advancements in the semiconductor industry and leverages state-of-the-art components for both standard and complex functions. The resulting design is a box for every bench, far more capable than the ARBs and Function Generators of the past. We have even incorporated IP support so a web browser can control the instrument over LAN.

The Model 645 has some significant advances over our 20MHz and 30MHz models. The speed, sample rates, and memory are expanded. The storage of custom waveforms is increased and the tactile front panel controls are easy to manipulate. We understand the broad range of applications and can now provide you, our demanding customers, a product loaded with functionality that represents excellent value. Start your 30 day trial today. 


  • 50MHz sine, 10MHz Arbitrary Waveform
  • 14-bit, 125MSa/s, 256 K-point ARB
  • Pattern Generator (16 bits wide, 256K depth)
  • Pulse, Ramp, Triangle, Noise
  • AM, FM, PM (PSK), FSK & PWM Modulation
  • Linear & Logarithmic Sweeps
  • USB, LAN or GPIB Optional programming
  • wavePRO Waveform Creation, Editing and Importing
  • Nanotechnology, Automotive to Power Industry testing
  • Radar, Medical / Biomedical Simulations
  • Phase Sync'd signals for MEMS, gyro control
  • Count rate Simulation (linear or non-linear)
  • Throughput / Response Measurements
Key Specifications
  • 50MHz ARB with 14 bit, 125M samples/sec, 256K memory
  • Display - Illustrates Active Waveform
  • Sync - Multiple units together, or to an external clock
  • Functions - Square Wave w/ 10nS Risetimes, ramps, triangles, pulses with adjustable edges to 10nS, noise to 20MHz
  • Standard Waveforms —Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Pulse, Noise, DC
  • Built-In ARB Waveforms — Exponential Rise and Fall, Negative Ramp, Sin(x)/x, Cardiac
  • Total Harmonic Distortion —DC to 20kHz, 0.04%
  • Square Wave —1uHz to 25MHz
  • Modulation Modes - AM, Amplitude Modulation; FM, Frequency Modulation; PM, Phase Modulation; PWM, Pulse Width Modulation; FSK, Frequency Shift Keying
  • Pulse Mode Frequency—10MHz
  • Pulse Mode Width —10nS res
  • Arbitrary Mode Frequency — 1uHz to 10MHz
  • Arbitrary Model Length — 2 to 256K
Pulse Generation

The Model 645 can generate variable-edge pulses at rates up to 10MHz. From the front panel or through remote communications, the user may vary the period, pulse width, and amplitude. The pulse parameters may be stored in the unit or on your computer for later recall. If you have multiple units in your experiment, you may elect to save the setup and upload the pulse properties to multiple Model 645s. For adjustability and routing pulsing tests, see the flexible nature of the Model 645.

Custom Waveform Generation

Many research activities requiring a variety of custom pulses, the Model 645 allows users to generate complex custom waveforms on a computer and download the waveform properties into the ARB. The custom nature of the device lends itself well to R&D activities with a range of vaiable tests that need to be performed. The Model 645 offers 14-bit resolution and a 125 MSa/s sampling rate, giving users enough control of their waveforms for most applications. The Model 645 will storage of up to 5 waveforms concurrently [4 waveforms (4 x 256K points)] in nonvolatile memory and 1 waveform in volatile memory.

Graph mode

In graph mode, the user can visually verify the signal settings. Also, the user can always see the selected function on the upper left corner of the display.

BNC Waveform Editing Software: WaveCrafter

BNC WaveCrafter allows users to create, edit, and download complex waveforms into their Model 645 quickly and efficiently. Storage of complex waveforms can be done on the PC or emailed among colleagues. In addition, users can retrieve waveforms from a number of Digital and Mixed-Signal Oscilloscope (such as the Agilent MSO 8104) using WaveCrafter in capture mode.

Data Transmission via Pattern Out

The Model 645 offers users the ability to create and store 16-bit data for later retrieval. The data can be transmitted via a “Pattern Out” from the Model 645 rear panel as a source of control signals for your experiment.

User-Friendly Operation

The front-panel operation of the Model 645 is simple and user-friendly. Users can enter setup parameters and access all functions with no more than two button presses. The knob and convenient numeric keypad allow fast setting of frequency, amplitude, offset and other parameters. You may enter voltage values in Vpp, Vrms, dBm or high & low levels. Timing parameters can be entered in Hertz (Hz) or seconds.

Easy-to-use Functions

Users can easily use the following functions.

  • Internal modulations of AM, FM, PM (PSK), FSK & PWM for waveform adjustment.
  • Built-in linear and logarithmic sweeps from 1ms to 500 s.
  • The burst mode has a selectable number of cycles per period of time.
  • Using remote control via USB, LAN or Opt. GPIB interface.
  • The programmability by SCPI commands under the remote control connection.
  • Precise phase adjustments and calibrations can be done from the front panel or via a PC.
Optical Encoder

Rather than a traditional mechanical rotary encoder which begins to fail at 25,000 turns, our optically coupled rotary encoder has a life cycle of 1,000,000 turns. Long term reliability is in every detail.



Display Graph mode for visual verification of signal settings
Capability Standard Wave forms Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Pulse, Noise, DC
Built-in arbitrary waveforms Exponential Rise and Fall, Negative ramp, Sin (x)/x, Cardiac

Waveform Characteristics

Sine Frequency 1 µHz 50 MHz
(Relative to 1 KHz)
0.1 dB (< 100 KHz)
0.15 dB (<5MHz)
0.3 dB (<20 MHz)
0.5 dB (<50 MHz)
Harmonic Distortion
(Unit dBc)
DC to 20 KHz
-70 (<1Vpp) -70(≥ 1Vpp)
20 KHz to 100 KHz
-65 (<1Vpp) -(≥ 1Vpp)
100KHz to 1 MHz
-50 (<1Vpp) -45 (≥1Vpp)
1 MHz to 20 MHz
-40 (< 1Vpp) -35 (≥1Vpp)
20 MHz to 50 MHz
-35(<1Vpp) -30 (≥1Vpp)
Total Harmonic Distortion DC to 20 KHz, Output ≥ 0.5Vpp
THD+N ≤0.06%
DC to 1 MHz
-70 dBc
1 MHz to 50 MHz
-70 dBc + 6dB/ octave
Phase Noise
(10K Offset)
-115/dBC/ HZ, typical when f ≥ 1MHz, V ≥ 0.1Vpp
Square Frequency 1 µHz to 25 MHz
Rise/ Fall time < 10 ns
Overshoot < 2%
Duty Cicle
20% to 80% (to 10MHz)
40% to 60% (to 25 MHz)
Asymmetry 1% of period + 5 ns (@ 50% duty)
Jitter 200 ps
when f ≥ 1MHz, V ≥ 0.1Vpp
Ramp, Triangle Frequency 1 µHz to 200 KHz
Linearity < 0.1% of peak output
Symmetry 0.0% ~ 100.0%
Pulse Frequency 500 µHz to 10 MHz
Pulse Witdh 20 ns minimum
10 ns res. (period ≤ 10s)
Variable Edge Time <10 ns to 100 ns
Overshoot < 2%
Jitter(RMS) 200 ps
when f ≥ 50KHz, V ≥ 0.1Vpp
Noise Bandwidth 20 MHz Typical
Arbitrary Frequency 1 µHz to 10MHz
Length 2 to 256 K
Resolution 14 biys (Including sign)
Sample Rate 125 MSa/ s
Min Rise/ Fall 30 ns typical
Linearity < 0.1% of peak output
Settling Time <250 ns to 0.5% of final value
Jitter (RMS) 6ns + 30ppm
Non-Volatile Memory 4 waveforms * 256K points

Common Characteristic

Frequency Resolution 1µHz
Amplitude Range 10mVpp to 10Vpp in 50Ω
20mVpp to 20Vpp in Hi-Z
(at 1KHz)
±1% of setting ±1mVpp
Units Vpp, Vrms, dBm
Resolution 4 digits
DC Offset Range
(Peak AC + DC)
±5V in 50Ω typical
±10V in Hi-Z
Accuracy ±2% of offset setting
±0.5% of amplitude setting
Resolution 4 digits
Main Output Impedance 50Ω typical
Isolation 42 Vpk maximum to earth
Protection Short-circuited protected;
overload automatically disables main output
Internal Frequency reference Accuracy ±10ppm in 90 days
±20ppm in 1 year
External Frequency reference Standard/ Option Standard
External Frequency Input Lock Range 10 MHz ± 500 Hz
Level 100 mVpp ~ 5Vpp
Impedance 1KΩ typical, AC coupled
Lock Time < 2 sec
External Lock Range 10 MHz
Frequency Output Level 632mVpp (0dBm), typical
Impedance 50Ω typical, AC coupled
Phase Offset Range -360° to 360°
Resolution 0.001°
Accuracy 8 ns


Modulation Type AM, FM, PM, FSK, PWM, Sweep and Burst
AM Carrier Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Source Internal/ external
Internal Module Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Noise. Arb
Frequency (Internal) 2mHz to 20KHz
Depth 0.0% ~ 120.0%
FM Carrier Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Source Internal/ external
Internal Modulation Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle Noise, Arb
Frequency (Internal) 2mHz to 20 KHz
Deviation DC ~ 25MHz
PM Carrier Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Source Internal/ external
Internal Modulation Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Noise, Arb
Frequency (Internal) 2mHz to 20 KHz
Deviation 0.0° to 360°
PWM Carrier Pulse
Source Internal/ external
Internal Module Sine, Square, Ramp. Triangle, Noise, Arb
Frequency (Internal) 2mHz to 20KHz
Deviation 0% ~ 100% of pulse witdh
FSK Carrier Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Source Internal/ external
Internal Modulation 50% duty cycle Square
Frequency (Internal) 2mHz to 100KHz
External Modulation Input Voltage Range ±5V full scale
Input Resistance 8.7KΩ typical
Bandwitdh DC to 20KHz
SWEEP Waveforms Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb
Type Linear or logarithmic
Direction up or down
Sweep Time 1 ms ~ 500 sec
Trigger Internal, External or Manual
Marker Falling edge of sync signal (programmable frequency)
BURST Waveforms Sine, Square, Ramp, Triangle, Noise, Arb
Type Couted (1 to 50000 cycles), Infinite, Gated
Start/ Stop Phase -360° to 360°
Internal Period 1uS ~ 500 Sec
Gated Source External trigger
Trigger Source Internal, External or Manual
Trigger Input Level TTL Compatible
Slope Rising or Falling (Selectable)
Pulse witdh > 100ns
Impedance > 10KΩ, DC coupled
Latency < 500 ns
Trigger Output Level TTL compatible into ≥ 1 kΩ
Pulse Width > 400 ns
Output Impedance 50Ω typical
Maximum Rate 1MHz
Fan-out ≤ 4 Picotest G5100As

Pattern Mode Characteristic

Clock Maximum Rate 50MHz
Output Level TTL compatible into ≥ 2 KΩ
Output Impedance 110 Ω typical
Pattern Length 2 to 256 K


Power Supply CAT II - 240V AC ±10%
Power Cord Freq. 50Hz to 60Hz
Power Consumption 50VA max
Operating Enviroment 0°C to 55°C
Storage Temperature -30°C to 70°C
Interface (Standard) USB, LAN, (Optional) GPIB
Language SCPI - 1993, IEEE - 488.2
Dimensions 107 (H) x 224 (W) x 380 (D)mm
Weight 4.08Kg
Safety Designed to IEC61010-1, EN61010-1, UL61010-1
EMC Tested to EN61326, IEC61000-3, IEC61000-4
Warm-up Time 1 hour
Warranty 1 Year

Shipping Dimensions 18x12x9"
Shipping Weight 10 lbs
Technical resources 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Model 645 | What is the External Modulation In connector on the model 645 used for? 

Model 645 | What is the External Modulation In connector on the model 645 used for?

This rear panel connector can be used to insert modulation signals onto a carrier. In conjunction with modes such as AM, FM, SSB, Ext Mod can even provide communication signals at the SIG OUT connector. 

Downloadable Resources 

Downloadable resources such as datasheets, firmware, software, drivers and products manuals. Alternatively, you can browse resources directly by visiting our downloads page.

Product Datasheets
• Product Firmware
• Product Software and Drivers
• Product Manuals


Video URL 
Video title 
Creating Tail Pulses Using the Sequencer on an AWG

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