Greenfield Technology's FTD10000 Ultrafast 7 GHz Fast Transient Digitizer is the industry's fastest digitizer specifically designed to record very fast single shot pulses down to 50ps with 13-bit amplitude resolution. The FTD10000 is the ideal instrument for recording impulse phenomena in laser research, high-energy physics, EMC/EMP simulators and high-voltage breakdowns, as well as testing high-speed circuits.
Additional features include an input for timing fiducials and a large front panel display for easy and precise viewing. As such, the FTD10000 is an excellent solution for both laboratory and automatic test applications.
- 7 GHz bandwidth with slow roll off
- 50 ps rise time • Up to 1800 GS/s sampling rate
- 13-bit vertical resolution
- 2000 V maximum input voltage without overload
- Controlled via front panel and Ethernet
- 19" Rack, 4U, 560 mm
- Fiducial input for time stamping
- Diagnostics for Laser research and HighEnergy physics
- Recording of fast single shot pulses - EMC/EMP simulators
- High-voltage breakdowns
- Test of high speed circuits
- Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)
Signal Input |
Sensitivity | 5 V |
Trigger |
Source | external |
Input impedance | 50 ohm |
Signal polarity | positive or negative |
Signal duration | > 0.5 ns |
Level | 0.5 to 5 V |
Max. Input | 500 v (1 µs) |
Jitter | 5 ps rms |
Internal delay | 40 to 540 ns |
Digitizing |
Analysis duration | 1 to 2000 ns |
Horizontal resolution | 10 bits |
Vertical resolution | 13 bits |
Non-volatile memory | 1 record & settings |
Acquisition modes |
- Single shot - Electrical zero - Repetitive |
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