The BNC Model 750 50 MHz Pulse & Delay Generator in the micro package provides 4 (or 8 in option) independent delayed pulses. Delays up to 10 seconds can be programmed with 100 ps resolution and channel-to-channel jitter less than 50 ps RMS. SMB outputs deliver adjustable 1.5 V to 5 V into 50 Ω ( or 3V to 10V into Hi-Z), 1 ns rise time. Pulse amplitude, polarity, and pulse width are independently adjustable on each output channel. Model 750 also offers two inputs or three internal synchronized Timers (adjustable from 0.1 Hz to 50 MHz) or software commands for triggering all selected delay channels. Either trigger rate may be set as one-shot or repetitive.

The generator has an internal 100 MHz TCXO clock reference and also accepts an external clock reference from 10 MHz to 240 MHz sine or square wave. Model 750 can be remotely controlled via USB or Ethernet (LAN). This pulse generator is well suited to synchronize all the devices of the Picosecond Laser System (PLS). In this application, the “clock input” of the delay generator receives a reference signal (80 MHz for example) from a laser oscillator via an O/E (optical-to-electrical converter) and the delay generator provides single or repetitive pulses (adjusted in delay, amplitude, polarity, and pulse width) synchronized on “clock input” with very low jitter. From delay generator 4 GPIO under software control allow the command to the low-frequency device of the Laser System for security or control.



Quick Specs


  • Channels: 4 or 8 Independent Channels
  • Resolution: 100 ps
  • Frequency: 0.1 to 50MHz
  • Ch-Ch Jitter: 50 ps
  • Pulse Amplitude: 1.5 to 5 V into 50 Ω  (or 3 to 10V into Hi-Z)
  • External Ref Clock: 10 MHz to 250 MHz 
  • Precision Pulse Application
  • ATE Applications
  • Picosecond Laser System Timing Control
  • High Precision Timing
  • Components Testing/QC
  • Pulse Picking


Channels 4 or 8 independent delay outputs
Delay Range 0 up to 100s
Delay Resolution  100 ps
Channel Jitter (RMS) < 50 ps + delay x 10e-7 
Accuracy < 500 ps + delay x 10e-6
Time Base 100 MHz, ±5 ppm stability
External Trigger Rate Up to 50 MHz, with Prescaler, < 85 ns insertion delay
Internal Trigger Rate Three Internal Timers 0.1 Hz to 50 MHz (10 sec to 20 ns) in 5 ns steps
Pulse Amplitude 1.5 V to 5 V into 50 Ω, 10 mV resolution
Rise and Fall Time 1 ns/1 ns into 50 Ω
Pulse Width 10 ns to 10 s, 5 ns resolution
Pulse Polarity Active High or Active Low
Burst  1 to 1 000 000 000, Adjustable Period 5 ns resolution
Multiplexing Any channel combination may be ORed’ to all outputs
Connector SMB
External Reference Clock 10 MHz to 240 MHz adjustable with 500 kHz steps
Gate (or Second Trigger) Active high, adjustable threshold, positive slope, rate < 10 MHz
Interface USB-to-UART, 10/100Mb/s LAN
Operating System Windows or Linux
Power Source Standard USB or External Power Supply
Power Consumption 2.5 W to 15 W (depending on options and configurations)
Size (W x H x D) 4.25" x 2.3" x 5.1" 

Shipping Dimensions 18x12x9"
Shipping Weight 5 lbs


Optional Accessories Description
SMB Cable 5" SMB-to-BNC cable
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