Model 951 (PRD)nukeALERT Personal Radiation Detector 1-9

Model 951

Model 951 (PRD)nukeALERT Personal Radiation Detector 1-9

The nukeALERT 951 is the essential preventative radiological detection system to disclose the presence and intensity level of gamma radiation for nontechnical personnel. It’s small, rugged, watertight and more sensitive than commonly used first responder radiation meters. Enhanced sensitivity is especially important when one is dealing with concealed radiological material, where the radiation levels may vary based on distance and shielding. The nukeALERT 951 PRND system discreetly detects gamma radiation with either a vibration or audible alarm. The unit has a 2-year battery life and automatically recalibrates in high background environments. The belt clip and bright visual display promotes hands-free operation for the end user. The rugged micro-sized package provides a watertight, robust monitoring tool for HAZMAT and emergency response teams. In the event of a radiological emergency, team members equipped with the nukeALERT 951 nuclear detection system can quickly and cost-effectively monitor a large area because of a dramatic improvement in detector sensitivity and response time. Ease of use, sensitivity and operability under harsh environmental conditions make the nukeALERT 951 ideal for responders who work in emergency services, hazardous materials, and counter-terrorism.

End Users:

  • Public Safety Officers (Federal, State, Local)
  • First Responders
  • Border Patrol
  • HAZMAT Teams
  • Cargo Inspectors
  • Radiation Safety Officers
  • Military Forces



Quick Specs


  • Detector Type: Cesium Iodide Scintillator
  • Detection type: Gamma
  • Weight: 6.4 oz with batteries
  • Size: 3.75" x 2.5" x 1.25"
  • Homeland Security
  • Emergency Responder
  • Safeguard and Nuclear Security
  • Radiological Area Mapping
  • Geological Radiation Survey

PRND Features
  • Simple to use; no training required
  • 1 second response to full readings
  • Bright display for night or day operation
  • Audible chirp or discreet vibration alarm
  • Extremely low false alarm rate
  • Automatic calibration to filter varying background levels
  • Rugged Enclosure
  • Watertight to withstand extreme weather conditions
  • Standard belt clip attachment
  • 2-year battery life, self powered


Function Gamma ray detection
Detector Cesium Iodide Scintillator
Battery Life 2+ years @ 48 hrs/week
Batteries 2 AA Alkaline
Response Time < 1 second
Energy Response down to 20 keV
Notification 1. Audio alarm; beeps increase based on radiation strength 2. Vibration; vibration pulses increase based on radiation strength 3. Flashing LED; flashes increase based on radiation strength, color changes from orange to red 4. LED with readout "1" through "9" with "9" highest. Dose rate equivalence chart provided in the manual.
Calibration Automatic when turned on. Self adjusts when high background is present.
Placement Belt clip or belt pouch
Size 3.75" x 2.5" x 1.25"
Weight 6.4 oz with batteries
Environment Heavy Rain -10° F to 122° F, -23° C to 50° C Day or night visibility Passes 3 feet drop test on concrete
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Model 951 | Are there any ongoing maintenance procedures or parts need for the nukeALERT 951 ?

Model 951 | Are there any ongoing maintenance procedures or parts need for the nukeALERT 951 ?

No. The nukeALERT 951 recalibrates itself on power up and can be operated for many years simply by changing the battery.

Model 951 | Is there any way to permanently set the sensitivity higher or lower to adjust for constant changes in background levels (around an X-Ray machine, etc) ?

Model 951 | Is there any way to permanently set the sensitivity higher or lower to adjust for constant changes in background levels (around an X-Ray machine, etc) ?

The nukeALERT contains an Adjustment Switch that allows you to manually adjust the lowest level sensitivity of the detector.  This should not be casually adjusted since it reduces the highest sensitivity of the detector.  Usually, this switch is adjusted at the factory or by our tech support team. It is important to track your minimum settings so you don't end up with 50 nukeALERT’s, each with different sensitivity settings.

Model 951 | Why does the nukeALERT "recalibrate" as I travel around ?

Model 951 | Why does the nukeALERT "recalibrate" as I travel around ?

When the nukeALERT is turned on, it calibrates itself to the natural radiation background.  When the nukeALERT notices the background has reduced, it will recalibrate itself to improve the sensitivity.  When you are travelling, your device may detect a lower natural background environment and recalibrates itself to ensure maximum detector sensitivity.  You often see a reduced background count and a recalibration if you take the nukeALERT into a car or truck, for example. 

What Types of Radiation Are There?

What Types of Radiation Are There?

Alpha radiation, beta radiation, gamma radiation, and x radiation. Neutron radiation is also encountered in nuclear power plants and high-altitude flight and emitted from some industrial radioactive sources.

Downloadable Resources 

Downloadable resources such as datasheets, firmware, software, drivers and products manuals. Alternatively, you can browse resources directly by visiting our downloads page.

Product Datasheets
• Product Firmware
• Product Software and Drivers
• Product Manuals


Video URL 
Video title 
New Dual Function Metal Detector with ANSI Compliant Nuclear Detection

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