Topaz-HRCompact Digital MCA for High Resolution Detectors

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Topaz-HRCompact Digital MCA for High Resolution Detectors

The Topaz-HR is a compact, stand-alone, digital Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA), which is able to perform Pulse Height Analysis (PHA) of the signal produced by high resolution gamma-ray semiconductor detectors, such as High-Purity Germanium Detectors (HPGe) and CZT detectors.  Such detectors are commonly used in high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry, a technique vastly implemented in any advanced radio-analytical laboratory or as part of comprehensive nuclear analytical methods.  The MCA can also be used with detectors with lesser energy resolution, such as scintillator detectors, like NaI(Tl), LaBr3, CeBr3, etc.



The Topaz-HR is an advanced, fully digital, compact Multi-Channel Analyzer.  This device is used to process the electronic pulses typically produced by a high-resolution, semiconductor detectors such as High-Purity Germanium Detectors (HPGe).   However, the MCA can be also connected to other type of detectors such as scintillators (e.g. NaI(Tl), CeBr3 or LaBr3, etc.) making it a valuable and multi-purpose device and a “must have” in your lab.

The MCA implements several advanced modes of data acquisition, such as: Pulse Height Analysis (PHA), Multi-channel scaling (MCS), LIST and Timestamped-LIST mode (TLIST).  For the latter, each recorded pulse will be stored not only with the pulse height information (energy), but with the arrival time stamp as well.  In TLIST mode the event time resolution is better than 30 nanoseconds.  The Topaz-HR design incorporates the latest advances in digital electronics.  The core of the MCA is its 14-bit high-quality fast flash ADC running at 50 Ms/s, a 100 MHz DSP processor and a 200 MHz CPU.  The device has a spectral memory size of up to 16,384 (16K) channels of 32-bit depth available for any acquisition mode.

The device includes a low-noise and yet powerful high voltage module which is able to provide high voltages bias from 0 to 6000 Volts, as well as a power connection to most commonly used pre-amplifiers (±24 or ±12 Volts), via a DB9 connector.

The Topaz-HR transfers acquired data via an ultrafast USB connection to the PC with data transfer rates of 480 Mbit/sec.  The MCA is powered using an external low-noise AC/DC power supply, which is included in the delivered package.  The MCA is encased in a rugged aluminum box with all necessary connectors for the detector and one USB (mini type B) for the PC.  On the front panel several LED indicators signify the status of the data acquisition and the device.

The device can be controlled via our basic acquisition software (bMCA software), which can be freely downloaded from our website.  Alternatively, the MCA control is incorporated into our fully-featured Gamma-ray spectrometry analysis software—bGamma.  An attractive package price can be obtained when ordering the MCA together with bGamma software.

This device is also available as a separate PCB only, which makes it attractive to the OEM market.  The programming libraries for Windows, Linux, and macOS are available as well.


bGamma Spectral Analysis Software

bGamma is a general-purpose, comprehensive, and extensive software package for gamma-ray spectrum analysis, and radionuclide identification and quantification.  The software can analyze any recorded gamma-ray spectrum independently of the detector type, geometry, or sample.  bGamma provides all the necessary tools and functionality for performing detailed analysis of complex gamma-ray spectra and the corresponding radionuclides for the given sample.



  • 14-bit high-performance flash ADC.  50 Ms/s sampling rate
  • 100 MHz DSP processor

Data acquisition

  • Spectral memory sizes of 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 and 16,384 (16K) channels of 32-bits depth.
  • Supports both RC and pulse-reset type of Pre-Amplifiers
  • Acquisition modes : PHA, MCS, LIST mode and TLIST mode
    • LIST and TLIST modes with better than 30 nsec event time resolution
  • Analog gain from x1 to x256. Coarse gain with amplification factors of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128. Fine gain from 1 to 2 in steps of 1/16384 (~ 0.000061)
  • Upper and Lower Level Discriminator settings given in channels
  • Automatic reset pulse detection or via external signal.
  • Preset acquisition times from 0.005 seconds to approx. 0.65 years
  • Several built-in preset acquisition modes:
    • By preset time value (real or live times)
    • By counts (in ROI)
    • By external control signal or
    • Combination of any above


  • Spectral memory sizes of 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 and 16,384 channels, depth 32-bits
  • Dwell time from 0.005 seconds to "count-forever”

Digital Settings

  • Trapezoidal pulse shaper
  • Rise Time: from 0.1 to 12 μs in steps of 0.2 μs
  • Flat Top: from 0.1 to 8.0 μs in steps of 0.1 μs
  • Adjustable Fast discriminator threshold
  • Digital Base Line Restorer (BLR)
  • Pile-Up Rejector (PUR)
  • Analog and adjustable Poles/Zero cancellation correction
  • Dead time correction with fine-tuning capability

Power Supply

  • Device power by external low-noise AC/DC power adaptor 9-24 V (supplied), 15 W max.
  • Preamplifier power supply: +- 24 V @ 42 mA and +-12 V @ 84 mA.
  • HV power supply: 0 to 6000 V, 350 μA with automatic ramping. Dual polarity (must be set at the factory)
  • External HV Inhibit control


  • Two user-programmable I/O lines
  • Can be used as external counters, external data acquisition control, etc.

Data Communication

  • High-speed USB 2.0, up to 480 Mbit/s
  • Standard 3-meter long USB cable is supplied.


  • MCA box: length 126 mm, width 106 mm, height 56 mm (5 in x 4.25 in x 2.25 in)
  • Weight: less than 200 grams (7 oz) - including box
  • Connectors :
    • Front: EXT DC barrel-type, USB mini-B
    • Back: SHV for high voltage output, 4 x BNC for signal, GPIO, and HV inhibit, DB9 connector for preamplifier power.
  • Indicators:
    • Red LED for detector high voltage status
    • Yellow LED for incoming count rate (ICR)
    • Green LED for power and communication status
    • Blue LED blinks in case of HV inhibit signal
    • Blue LED (above power switch) to indicate Power On status


  • The device is supplied with a basic software to control operation, data acquisition, and visualization.
  • (upon request) Programming libraries for Microsoft Windows® and Linux


  • The MCA can be supplied with full-featured Gamma-ray spectrometry software—bGAMMA, at package cost.


  • The device is CE compliant
Downloadable Resources 

Downloadable resources such as datasheets, firmware, software, drivers and products manuals. Alternatively, you can browse resources directly by visiting our downloads page.

Product Datasheets
• Product Firmware
• Product Software and Drivers
• Product Manuals

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