Cerium BromideCeBr3 High Resolution / Low Background Scintillators

Custom Scintillator

Cerium BromideCeBr3 High Resolution / Low Background Scintillators

Cerium Bromide scintillators feature very high light-yields, fast response, and high-density properties. The key advantage to the material, when compared to other high-resolution scintillators, is its very low intrinsic background noise. CeBr3 is also fast without any slow components. The scintillators are hygroscopic and are available from BNC encapsulated with an entrance window, integrally coupled to a light sensor such as a PMT or SiPM, or fully integrated in detector assemblies with light sensor and front-end electronics. Sizes ranging from pixels for arrays to volumes as large as 102 mm (4 in) diameter by 152 mm (6 in) length are currently available.

Contact BNC for more information or to discuss your application. You can also tell us about your requirements by completing our brief detector Survey.



CeBr3 is characterized by its relatively high-density and its proportional response to gamma rays. The typical energy resolution provided by the material is 4% FWHM for 662 keV. Thanks to its fast light pulse rise time, CeBr3 detectors can provide sub-nanosecond time resolutions only slightly inferior to BaF2 detectors. In addition, the material exhibits fast decay times of 20 ns with negligible afterglow. With a background count as low as <0.002 c/s/cc in the Ac-227 complex (1500 to 2200 keV), CeBr3 presents a distinct advantage over other high-resolution scintillators which suffer from this or other intrinsic activity.

Security Resolution/Background
Plasma Physics Speed
PALS Time Resolution
Environmental  Resolution/Background
Space Missions Resolution
Energy Resolution 4% FWHM at 662 keV
Density 5.2 g/cc
Emission Max 380 nm
Decay Time 18-25 ns
Background 0.002 c/s/cc Ac-227

Typical Energy Resolution vs. Sodium Iodide

Energy (keV) NaI CeBr3
30 18% 20%
60 11% 13%
81 10% 11%
122 8.50% 8%
356 8% 5%
662 7% 4%
1332 5.5% 3%
2600 4% 2%


Free Online Training Module - An Introduction to Scintillation Crystals and Detectors

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Can you explain the variety of mechanical, optical and scintillation properties of various materials?

Can you explain the variety of mechanical, optical and scintillation properties of various materials?

The most widely used scintillation material for gamma-ray spectroscopy is Sodium Iodide, NaI(Tl).   It is hygroscopic and is only used in hermetically sealed metal containers to preserve its properties. All water-soluble scintillation materials should be packaged in such a way that they are not attacked by moisture. Some scintillation crystals may easily crack or cleave under mechanical pressure whereas others are plastic and only will deform like CsI(Tl). See our Table of Properties or Table of Applications for material specific comments.

Does temperature affect the response of a scintillation detector?

Does temperature affect the response of a scintillation detector?

The light output (number of photons per MeV gamma) of most scintillators is a function of temperature. This is caused by the fact that in scintillation crystals, radiative transitions, responsible for the production of scintillation light, compete with nonradiative transitions (no light production). In most scintillation crystals, the light output is quenched (decreased) at higher temperatures. An example to the contrary is the fast component of BaF2 which the emission intensity is essentially temperature independent.

The scintillation process usually involves three stages, production, transport and quenching centers. Competition between these three stages and all three behaving differently with temperature creates a complex temperature dependence for scintillation light output.

Below is a chart with the temperature dependence of common scintillation crystals.

Temperature dependence of the scintillation yield of NaI(Tl), CsI(Tl), BGO and CeBr3

For most applications, the combination of the temperature dependent light output of the scintillator together with the temperature dependent amplification of the light detector should be considered.

The doped scintillators NaI(Tl), CsI(Tl) and CsI(Na) show a distinct maximum in intensity whereas many undoped scintillators such as BGO show an increase in intensity with decreasing temperature. The temperature dependence of the Ce doped scintillators LBC, CeBr3 and YAP:Ce is significantly less than that of other scintillators.

What is Radiation Damage in Scintillators?

What is Radiation Damage in Scintillators?

Radiation damage is defined as the change in scintillation characteristics caused by prolonged exposure to intense radiation. This damage manifests itself by a decrease of the optical transmission of a crystal which causes a decrease in pulse height and deterioration of the energy resolution of the detector. Radiation damage other than radio-activation is usually partially reversible; i.e. the absorption bands often disappear slowly in time; some damage can be annealed thermally.

In general, doped alkali halide scintillators such as NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl) are rather susceptible to radiation damage. All known scintillation materials show more or less damage when exposing them to large radiation doses. The effects usually can only be observed clearly with thick (> 5 cm) crystals. A material is usually called radiation hard if no measurable effects occur at a dose of 10.000 Gray. Examples of radiation hard materials are CeBr3 and YAP:Ce.

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