bGamma Software Package For Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis and Quantification

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bGamma software package

bGamma Software Package For Gamma Spectroscopy Analysis and Quantification

The new bGamma software package is a general purpose, comprehensive, and extensive software package for gamma-ray spectroscopy analysis, and radionuclide identification and quantification. bGamma is designed to run seamlessly in Windows, Linux and Mac iOS systems. The sophisticated software can be used with standard medium and high-resolution scintillators (NaI, CeBr3, LaBr3, etc.) and High Purity Germanium detectors.



The analysis of the energy spectra resulting from any radioactive sample and recorded with a nuclear radiation detection system is still a very critical step in gamma-ray spectrometry due to its complexity, e.g. large amount of interference between elemental emissions, presence of spectrum artifacts (sum and escape peaks), complex continuum, correct radionuclide identification and quantification of its activity independently of the measurement geometry or sample characteristics among many others.

The new bGamma software is a general purpose, comprehensive and extensive application package for gamma-ray spectrum analysis and radionuclide identification and quantification.

bGamma software can analyze any recorded gamma-ray spectrum independently of the detector, geometry, or sample used. bGamma software package provides all the necessary tools and functionality for performing the detailed analysis of complex gamma-ray spectra and the corresponding radionuclide quantification from the given sample.

In particular, the software package allows the user to:

  • Connect and control the hardware for correct data acquisition
  • Controls and visualizes the data acquisition
  • Imports spectra from other file-formats
  • Energy, shape and efficiency calibration for the gamma-ray spectra
  • Automatic peak search and peak class identification (singlets, multiplets)
  • ROI analysis and calculations
  • Fitting of the experimental data to mathematical models, including background subtraction, peak interference correction, etc.
  • Nuclide identification with separation from possible spectrum artifacts and structures
  • Radionuclide activity calculations

All of above is possible in a very simple but efficient way. The modern graphical user interface (GUI) makes spectrum visualization and analysis very intuitive and provides important “visual” feedback of the analysis results.

bGamma software is a multi-document software package allowing the user to analyze multiple-spectra at the same time and/or acquire data from several connected detectors.

The large quantity and variety of calculation algorithms implemented into bGamma allows the user to analyze a broad range of gamma-ray spectra independently of the detector used, e.g. from high-resolution Ge spectra to medium resolution scintillator spectra from CeBr3, LaBr3, or the widely-used NaI(Tl).

bGamma software runs seamlessly on MS Windows, Linux or MAC iOS.


bGamma incorporates a powerful collection of calculation engines necessary for accurate gamma-ray spectrum analysis of any kind. These can be summarized as follows:

  • ROI computations
  • Continuum calculation methods
  • Peak search engines
  • Peak qualification methods and automatic ROI location
  • Peak fitting algorithms
  • Energy calibration methods
  • FWHM calibration methods
  • Efficiency calibration methods
  • Nuclide identification techniques
  • Activity calculation algorithms


Calibrations are an essential process to correctly analyze any gamma-ray spectrum. bGamma offers all the necessary tools and functionalities to make any calibration. The energy and shape (FWHM) calibrations are unified into one dialog. They contain a lot of hidden “know-how” for suggesting lines to be used for calibrations independent of the type of the spectrum and detector. A powerful GUI provides visual feedback to the calibration results.

Efficiency calibration uses a versatile fitting engine to derive the complex calibration coefficients in a polynomial of a logarithmic of energy. This calibration dialog also provides a simple but yet comprehensive GUI for immediate and visual feedback of obtained efficiency calibration results.



bGamma incorporates the entire radionuclide decay emissions database. All nuclides data available at any instance of the spectrum analysis and/or data visualization. The nuclide decay data are taken from the internationally well-known data file – NuDat, which is produced, certified and maintained by the International Nuclear Data Committee.


bGamma is a multiplatform software and runs on the following OS:

  • Microsoft Windows XP™, Windows 7™ and Windows 8™ - 32-bit or 64-bit processors
  • MAC OS®™
  • Linux® OS

1. bGamma application software. Single license and single input

·         Right to run the software from a single PC. Connection to only one detector (hardware)

2. bGamma application software. Single license and multiple inputs

·         Right to run the software from a single PC. Connection to multiple detectors (hardware)

3. bGamma application software. Network license.

·         Right to run the software from a PC connected to a network. The number of instances of the software will dependent of the number of “licenses” purchased or activated.

4. bGamma package: Includes full bGamma application software (single license) + Topaz-HR MCA


The bGamma product line includes the “ bGamma Programming libraries”, which are offered as a separate product. Please contact us for more details on using “ bGamma programming libraries” and its license options.

Technical resources 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

BrightSPEC | Is bGamma MCA software compatible with Macs or PCs ? 

BrightSPEC | Is bGamma MCA software compatible with Macs or PCs ? 

Yes. bGamma is a full spectroscopic package for NaI, HPGe and other spectroscopy applications. It is the only spectroscopy package that is Mac and Windows compliant. 

Downloadable Resources 

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Product Datasheets
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• Product Manuals

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