The PVX-4141 pulse generator incorporates all control and protection logic, support power, energy storage, and output network circuitry into its chassis. Amongst the chassis features is an integrated rack mounting, brighter and more visible front panel LEDs and a modern look and feel. Amongst the module’s incorporated features include all control and protection logic, support power, energy storage, and output stage circuitry.
The PVX-4141 is a direct coupled, solid state half-bridge (totem pole) design, offering equally fast pulse rise and fall times, low power dissipation, and essentially no undershoot, or ringing. To protect the pulse generator from potential damage due to arcs and shorts in the load or interconnect cable, the unit has overcurrent detection and shutdown circuitry.
Features | Applications |
Max Voltage Aplitude | 3,500V |
Pulse Polarity | Bipolar (+/-) |
Max Frequency | 30kHz |
Rise/Fall Time | 25ns |
Pulse Enginer (Trigger) | External |
Remote Control | N/A |
Form Factor | Benchtop, Rackmount |
Pulse Width | 60ns to DC, controlled by input gate |
Maximum Average Power | 100W |
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