PVX-4110 | ±10,000V Pulse OutputBipolar Pulse Generator

PVX-4110 | ±10,000V Pulse OutputBipolar Pulse Generator

The PVX-4110 pulse generator is optimized for high impedance capacitive loads and is well suited for driving extraction grids and deflection plates for electrostatic modulation of particle beams in time-of-flight mass spectrometers and accelerators, optical devices like Pockels cells and Q-switches, as well as certain low-current plasma applications. It is a direct-coupled, air-cooled solid-state half-bridge (totem pole) design, and has over-current detection and shut-down circuitry.

All control and protection logic circuitry, support power, energy storage and output stage circuitry are incorporated into the PVX-4110, which can be connected directly to the load. The unit features front panel indicator LEDs to monitor the status of the pulse generator, with front panel voltage and current monitors to provide a straightforward means to view the output voltage and waveforms in real-time.


Key Features
  • 0 to ±10,000 V Pulse Output
  • <60 ns Rise and Fall Times, 10 kHz Pulse Repetition Frequency
  • Protected Against Arcs, Shorts and Load Transients
  • Voltage and Current Monitor Outputs
Max Voltage Amplitude


Pulse Polarity

Bipolar (+/-)

Max/Min Frequency

10 kHz

Pulse Width

<200ns to DC, Controlled by Input Gate
Rise/Fall Time


Pulse Engine (Trigger)


Remote Control


Form Factor


Please contact about Optional Rackmount Kit

Dimensions (in)

26 x 26 x 12

Weight (lbs)


Shipping Dimensions

28 x 23 x 13"

Shipping Weight

40 lbs

Downloadable Resources 

Downloadable resources such as datasheets, firmware, software, drivers and products manuals. Alternatively, you can browse resources directly by visiting our downloads page.


Video URL 
Video title 
Determining Maximum Load capacitance for the PVX-4100 Series of High Voltage Pulse
Video URL 
Video title 
Using the PVX-4100 Series With a Single HV Input
Video URL 
Video title 
High Voltage Power Supply & Pulse Generator Webinar! What You Need to Know
Video URL 
Video title 
Lessons from the Lab: PVX Bias