Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC) scintillators combine the characteristics of medium resolution gamma ray detectors and 3He neutron detectors in one scintillation material. These dual-mode scintillators can therefore be used for the simultaneous detection of both gamma and neutron radiation. CLYC crystals are hygroscopic and are available from BNC in sizes up to 51 x 51 mm either encapsulated with an entrance window, integrally coupled to a light sensor such as a PMT or SiPM, or fully integrated in detector assemblies with light sensor and front-end electronics.
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The energy resolution realized with CLYC scintillators is dependent on the size and configuration of the detector employed. This value is typically 4.5% - 5 % FWHM for 662 keV. The thermal neutron peak due to the n-6Li reaction in the crystal produces a narrow peak at approximately 3.3 MeV. CLYC's fast scintillation component is not excited by neutrons which opens PSD analysis possibilities and further improves neutron/gamma separation. CLYC has some slower emission components, so larger signal shaping times are required. For the absorption of 90% of thermal neutrons, approximately 12.5 mm of crystal is required.
Melting point | 6400C |
Li-6 enrichment | 96% |
Density | 3.31 g/cm3 |
Refractive index | 1.81 (400 nm) |
Wavelength of Emission | 275 - 450 nm |
Max emission wavelength | 370 nm |
Decay time constants | 1 ns, 50 ns, 1000 ns |
Scintillation light yield | 20.000 photons/MeV |
Energy resolution (662 keV) | 4.5 – 5.5% FWHM |
Thermal Neutron peak | 3.2 – 3.3 MeV |
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