The Model DB-2 is a pulse generator which accurately simulates the random and pile-up characteristics of pulses from a radiation detector. It provides pulses which are mono-energetic over a broad range of average count rates. Under high count rate conditions, the pulses will pile up as shown in the diagram below. This characteristics is useful in determining pile-up or count-rate effects and in measuring the resolution of high count rate spectroscopy systems. Besides random pulse, the Model DB-2 also provides mono energetic repetitive pulses. In this mode, the DB-2 is an excellent general purpose pulser. When the EXT REF input is used with an external ramp, the DB-2 provides sliding pulses to quickly check system or component linearity.
- Random Tail pulses for MCA, PHA Pile-up and Dead-time Testing
- Continuously Adjustable Rates from 10 Hz to 1 MHz
Rep Rate (Count Rate) | 10 Hz to 1 MHz [ Continuously Adjustable] |
Mode | Random or Repetitive |
Random Distribution | Poisson for intervals greater than 1.4 µs |
Pulse Shape | Tail Pulse |
Rise Time of Outputs (10-90%) | 0.1-20 µs ( 8 steps ) |
Decay Time Constant (100-37%) | 5-1000 µs ( 8 steps ) Rise and Decay time independent of each other for Decay Time/ Rise Time > 10. |
Pulse Amplitude (STEP) Characterization | Amplitude Shift with Count Rate: < 0.05% from 10 Hz to 100 kHz Jitter (resolution): 0.01% RMS Temperature Coefficient: 0.02%/˚C |
Frequency Jitter (Repetitive Mode) | < 0.1% |
External Trigger Input | Requires 1 V Positive Pulse 1 kΩ input impedance |
Trigger Output | 3 V 100 ns Pulse Width 20 ns rise time 50 Ω Output impedance |
Output Amplitude Ranges | Repetitive: 0 to 10 V Random: 0 to 1 V Adjustable by 10-turn Potentiometer from zero to maximum. |
Normalize | 40% to 100% of Amplitude via 10-Turn Potentiometer |
Pulse Output Polarity | Positive or Negative |
Attenuation | 4 Step Attenuators [x2, x5, x10, and x10] combination to make maximum of x1000 |
External Reference Input | 0 to 10 VDC; 10kΩ Input impedance |
Power Requirements | + 24 V at 65 mA - 24 V at 65 mA +12V at 140 mA -12 V at 40 mA *See BNC Model AP-3 for portable applications |
Dimension | Double-width NIM module; 2.70" wide by 8.70" high in accordance with TID-20893 (Rev. 3) |
Weight | 3.5 lbs. net; 7 lbs. shipping |
Shipping Dimensions | 18x12x9" |
Shipping Weight |
10 lbs |
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