Model 12000 | RF Benchtop Power Meter4 kHz to 40 GHz (12200 series compatibility only)

Model 12000 | RF Benchtop Power Meter4 kHz to 40 GHz (12200 series compatibility only)

The 12000 series provide design engineers and technicians the utility of traditional benchtop instrument, the flexibility and performance of modern USB RF power sensors, and the simplicity of a multi-touch display built with award-winning technology.

As a benchtop meter, the 12000 series provide a standalone solution for capturing, displaying, and analyzing peak and average RF power in both the time and statistical domains through an intuitive, multi-touch touchscreen display.

The Model 12000 RF Power Meter utilizes up to four Berkeley Nucleonics' RF Pulse Power Sensor families of USB RF power sensors with industry-leading performance and capabilities either independently or for synchronized multi-channel measurements of CW, modulated, and pulsed signals.

Providing the ultimate flexibility, the 12000 series of sensors can be disconnected and independently used as standalone instruments.


Number of Channels: 2 Channel 
4 Channel
Options: [-GPIB] GPIB Port
[-SECURE] No Internal Storage, Boot from USB Drive (Included)
Accessories:  [-RM]      19" Rackmount Kit (compatible with 1 or 2 Power Meters side by side)
Add a Power Sensor(s):  [-12206S]     50 MHz to 6 GHz [-60 to + 20dBm (Ave), -50 to +20 dBm (Pulse)
 [-12208S]     50 MHz to 8 GHz [-60 to + 20dBm (Ave), -50 to +20 dBm (Pulse)
 [-12218S]     50 MHz to 18 GHz [-34 to + 20dBm (Ave), -24 to +20 dBm (Pulse)
 [-12218L]    50 MHz to 18 GHz [-50 to + 20dBm (Ave), -40 to +20 dBm (Pulse)
 [-12240S]     50 MHz to 40 GHz [-34 to + 20dBm (Ave), -24 to +20 dBm (Pulse)
 [-12240L]    50 MHz to 40 GHz [-50 to + 20dBm (Ave), -40 to +20 dBm (Pulse)
Model 12000-2
2 Channel, 4kHz to 40GHz RF Power Meter





  • Capture/display/analyze peak and average power
  • Frequency range from 4 kHz to 40 GHz
  • Industry-leading video bandwidth (195 MHz) and rise time (3 ns)
  • Industry-leading 100,000 measurements per second
  • Industry-leading time resolution as fine as 100 ps
  • Synchronous multi-channel measurements (up to 4 channels)
  • Sensors can be used as standalone instruments
  • supports direct SCPI commands
  • Production line testing of electric devices
  • Evaluation of large current equipment
  • Battery or DC driven device evaluation
  • Quality assurance
  • Efficiency measurement for industrial motors, rotating machinery and calibration labs
  • For installation and maintenance tasks partly for R&D
  • Used to measure grid power
  • High-security RF scenarios
Downloadable Resources 

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• Product Software and Drivers


Video URL 
Video title 
Ultimate Guide! The Perfect RF & Microwave Signal Generator

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