Scintillation Crystals & DetectorsNaI, CsI, CeBr, LaBr, CaF2, BGO & More (Fast Quotes)

Scintillation Crystals & DetectorsNaI, CsI, CeBr, LaBr, CaF2, BGO & More (Fast Quotes)

Berkeley Nucleonics offers a full range of standard, specialized, and custom built scintillation detectors designed to meet the needs of the most demanding radiation counting applications. All known scintillation materials are employed ranging from plastics to liquid scintillators to inorganic crystals such as NaI(Tl),  CsI(Tl) / (Na), high-density BGO, high-resolution LaBr3, CeBr3, GAGG(Ce) plus many more. We've received many inquiries about repairing and calibrating St. Gobain detectors and crystals. Please contact us directly, as we assess requests case by case.

The catalog of available designs is comprehensive and includes encapsulated scintillators with entrance windows, scintillators optically coupled to a light read-out device such as a PMT or SiPM, and complete detector assemblies with integrated, plug-on, or stand-alone electronics. Specialized designs such as Compton suppression shields, pixelated arrays, well type assemblies, ruggedized or miniaturized assemblies, plus a range of others are available as well. In addition, digital signal analysis is available from BNC via compact plug-on or stand alone Multi Channel Analyzers (MCAs). 

Scintillation detectors serve a wide range of applications across various industries:

•  Medical Applications: These include SPECT and planar imaging, PET scanners (Positron Emission Tomography), CT scanners (Computed Tomography), surgical probes, BMD (Bone Mass Densitometry), RIA (Radioimmunoassay), and whole-body counting.

•  Geophysical Applications: Detectors are essential for wireline logging, MWD (Measurement While Drilling), multiphase flow analysis, and aerial (large area) surveys.

•  Security Applications: Scintillation detectors provide critical support in nuclide identification, cargo scanning, luggage scanning, and portal monitoring.

•  Industrial Applications: They are utilized for contamination monitoring, non-destructive evaluation, nuclear gauging, and thermal neutron activation analysis.

•  Physics Research Applications: These include spectroscopy, calorimetry (HEP), and astrophysics.

Contact BNC for more information or to discuss your application. You can also tell us about your requirements by completing our brief detector Survey.



CeBr3 Detectors: Cerium Bromide scintillation crystals are characterized by their high resolution fast decay time, and low intrinsic background properties. With a background count as low as <0.001 c/cc/s in the Ac-227 complex, CeBr3 presents a distinct advantage over other high-resolution scintillators which suffer from this intrinsic activity. Typical energy resolution for 662 keV is ~4% FWHM.

Srl2(Eu) Detectors: Europium doped Strontium Iodide scintillators feature very high light yields and excellent performance over a broad range of energies. Srl2(Eu) crystals are inherently free of intrinsic radioactivity resulting in a reduction of background activity and fewer false peaks. Typical energy resolution for 662 keV is < 4% FWHM.

BaF2 Detectors: Barium Fluoride scintillators feature ultra-fast sub ns UV emissions.  BaF2 is used in physics fast timing research such as positron life studies.

LBC Detectors: Lanthanum BromoChloride scintillators are bright and feature an excellent energy resolution of 3% FWHM for 662 keV. This new material is comparable to LaBr3 and is ideal for high resolution gamma spectroscopy applications.

Sodium Iodide Detectors: NaI(Tl) scintillation crystals are widely used in most standard gamma spectroscopy applications due to their unmatched high light output and excellent match of their emission spectrum to the sensitivity of photomultiplier tubes.

Cesium Iodide Detectors (Tl) (Na) (undoped):

CsI(Tl) scintillators are rugged, non-hygroscopic, and do not cleave. These detectors are frequently used as an alternative to NaI(Tl) for a wide range of applications. 

CsI(Na) is a non-hygroscopic, high light output scintillator mainly used for applications where mechanical stability and good energy resolution are required.

CsI(undoped) scintillators are fast, non-hygroscopic, and feature relatively low light output. A common use of undoped CsI is in physics calorimetry applications.

Plastic Detectors: Organic scintillators offer a comparatively cost effective alternative to inorganic crystals and can therefore be used in larger volumes. A large number of different organic scintillators are available for particle detection, neutron detection, Gamma / Neutron discrimination, and security or health physics applications.

GAGG(Ce) Detectors are scintillation crystals known for their exceptional properties in detecting gamma-ray radiation, offering high light yield and excellent energy resolution. Their advantages include superior stopping power for gamma rays, making them an ideal choice for applications in medical imaging, homeland security, and high-energy physics.

CLYC:Ce Detectors: Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC) scintillators combine the characteristics of medium resolution gamma ray detectors and 3He neutron detectors in one scintillation material. CLYC scintillators can therefore be used for both gamma and neutron detection.

YAP:Ce Detectors: YAP scintillators are fast, provide high light output, and low Z values. Applications include MHz rate X-ray spectroscopy and synchrotron physics.

CLLBC Detectors: A new material, Cesium Lanthanum Lithium BromoChloride crystals can perform both high resolution gamma spectroscopy with 3% FWHM energy resolution for 662 keV and simultaneous Neutron detection. The dual mode material can be used for both gamma spectroscopy and neutron detection using PSD.

CaF2(Eu) Detectors: Europium doped calcium fluoride is a low density scintillation crystal with a high light output. Thanks to its low Z value it is well suited for the detection of electrons (beta particles) with a high efficiency (low backscatter fraction). CaF2(Eu) is also used in phoswich scintillation detectors in combination with NaI(Tl).

LaBr3 Lanthanum Bromide​: is a highly efficient scintillator material known for its exceptional energy resolution and rapid response time, making it widely used in radiation detection and medical imaging applications.

6Lil(Eu) Detectors: Used for thermal Neutron detection and spectroscopy, 6Lil(Eu) scintillators feature high neutron cross section and high light output.

CdWO4 Detectors: This material has a very high density, low afterglow, and is radiation hard. Common applications include low afterglow CT applications, DC measurements of X-rays (high intensity), photodiode readout, Computerized Tomography (CT).

LYSO Scintillators: LYSO crystals are fast, have high density and high Z value. Applications include PET, high energy physics.

PbWO4 Detectors: These fast, high density scintillators with low afterglow and  slow decay times are primarily used in calorimetry physics research.

BGO Detectors: BGO has a high density of 7.13 g /cm3 and has a high Z value which makes these crystals very suited for the detection of natural radioactivity (U, Th, K), for high energy physics applications (high photo fraction) or in compact Compton suppression spectrometers.

Liquid Scintillators: Doped liquids such as EJ-301 and EJ-309 offer fast neutron / gamma discrimination properties allowing for their use in Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) applications.



Density (g/cm3)

Emission Maximum (nm)

Decay Constant (*)

Refractive Index (**)

Conversion Efficiency (***)





18 ns






400 - 480

1 - 5 us







1 ns, 50 ns, 1000 ns







0.23 us







0.6 / 3.4 us







0.63 us







16 ns


4 - 6





0.3 us


15 - 20





27 ns


35 - 40





0.84 us







70 ns


95 - 100




390 / 430

60 ns


4 – 6





1.4 us






315 / 220

0.63 us / 0.8 ns

1.50 / 1.54

16 / 5





50 ns


70 - 80




470 / 540

20/5 us


25 - 30





7 ns






375 - 600

ns range


25 - 30


LaBr2.85Cl0.15:Ce (LBC) 4.90


35 ns 1.90 140 Yes


5.08 380 21 ns 1.89 140 Yes

Cs2LiLaBr4.8Cl1.2:Ce (CLLBC)

4.08 420 120 ns, 500 ns 1.90 TBA Yes


6.63 520 76 ns 1.96 TBA No

* Effective average decay time for Gamma-rays

**At the wavelength of the emission maximum.

***Relative scintillation signal at room temperature for Gamma-rays when coupled to a Bi-Alkali photocathode PMT.

Encapsulated scintillators with optical windows:

Standard detectors with integrated light readout device (PMT, SiPM, Photodiode, etc.):

Scintillation detectors with front-end or advanced hybrid electronics:

Compton Suppression Shields:

Fiddler Probes for X-ray detection

Pixelated arrays:

SiPM Detectors:

Square or Rectangular Cross Section Detectors:

Well Detectors:

Specialized or Custom Designs:


Free Online Training Module - An Introduction to Scintillation Crystals and Detectors

Visit our Training page to access the module or for more information

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

What are the most important properties when selecting a scintillator for my application?

What are the most important properties when selecting a scintillator for my application?

  • Density and atomic number (Z)
  • Light output (wavelength + intensity)
  • Decay time (duration of the scintillation light pulse)
  • Mechanical and optical properties
  • Cost

What factors should I consider when customizing my scintillation detector ?&nbsp;

What factors should I consider when customizing my scintillation detector ? 

There is a great variety of choices to consider. Selecting the right material, geometry, readout and electronics are only a start. See for further reading. 

What is a Scintillator?

What is a Scintillator?

A scintillator is a material that exhibits scintillation, which refers to the emission of light when the material interacts with ionizing radiation. Scintillators are widely used in various fields, including radiation detection, medical imaging, and high-energy physics. Different types of scintillators exist, and some common examples include NaI (sodium iodide), LaBr (lanthanum bromide), CeBr (cerium bromide), and CsI (cesium iodide). These scintillators have distinct properties and are utilized in specific applications. Each of these scintillators has its advantages and suitability for specific applications, depending on factors such as energy resolution, light output, decay time, and cost. Researchers and engineers select the most appropriate scintillator based on the requirements of their particular application.

What is Afterglow?

What is Afterglow?

To detect fast changes in transmitted intensity of X-Ray beams, such as in CT scanners or luggage X-ray detectors, crystals are required exhibiting low afterglow. Afterglow is defined as the fraction of scintillation light still present for a certain time after the X-Ray excitation stops. Afterglow originates within a millisecond and can last hours in long decay time components. Afterglow in most halide scintillation crystals can be as high as a 5-10 percent after 3 ms. The long duration afterglow in e.g. CsI(Tl) can be a problem for many applications. Afterglow in halides is believed to be intrinsic and correlated to certain lattice defects. BGO, CeBr3, and Cadmium Tungstate (CdWO4) crystals are examples of low afterglow scintillation materials.

What is Radiation Damage in Scintillators?

What is Radiation Damage in Scintillators?

Radiation damage is defined as the change in scintillation characteristics caused by prolonged exposure to intense radiation. This damage manifests itself by a decrease of the optical transmission of a crystal which causes a decrease in pulse height and deterioration of the energy resolution of the detector. Radiation damage other than radio-activation is usually partially reversible; i.e. the absorption bands often disappear slowly in time; some damage can be annealed thermally.

In general, doped alkali halide scintillators such as NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl) are rather susceptible to radiation damage. All known scintillation materials show more or less damage when exposing them to large radiation doses. The effects usually can only be observed clearly with thick (> 5 cm) crystals. A material is usually called radiation hard if no measurable effects occur at a dose of 10.000 Gray. Examples of radiation hard materials are CeBr3 and YAP:Ce.

What is the significance of Decay Time?

What is the significance of Decay Time?

Scintillation light pulses (flashes) are usually characterized by a fast increase of the intensity in time (pulse rise time) followed by an exponential decrease. The decay time of a scintillator is defined by the time after which the intensity of the light pulse has returned to 1/e of its maximum value. Most scintillators are characterized by more than one decay time and usually, the effective average decay time is mentioned. The decay time is of importance for fast counting and/or timing applications.

What is the significance of Density and atomic number (Z)?

What is the significance of Density and atomic number (Z)?

To detect y-rays efficiently, a material with a high density and high effective Z (number of protons per atom) is required. Inorganic scintillation crystals meet the requirements of stopping power and optical transparency. Their densities ranging from roughly 3 to 9 g/cm3 makes them very suitable to absorb penetrating radiation (γ-rays). Materials with high Z-values are used for γ-ray spectroscopy at high energies (> 1 MeV).

What is the significance of Light Output (wavelength + intensity)?

What is the significance of Light Output (wavelength + intensity)?

Because photoelectron statistics (or electron-hole pair statistics) play a key role in the accurate determination of the energy of the radiation, the use of scintillation materials with a high light output is preferred for all spectroscopic applications. The scintillator emission wavelength should be matched to the sensitivity of the light detection device that is used (PM, SiPm or photodiode).

What is Thermal Neutron Detection?

What is Thermal Neutron Detection?

Neutrons do not produce ionization directly in scintillation crystals but can be detected through their interaction with the nuclei of a suitable element. In a 6LiI(Eu) scintillation crystal, for example, neutrons interact with 6Li nuclei to produce an alpha particle and a triton (tritium nucleus), which both produce scintillation light that can be detected. Another Li-containing scintillator is CLYC.

Also enriched 6Li containing glass can be used, doped with Ce as an activator. Alternatively, Boron or Gadolinium containing inorganic scintillators can be used but these scintillators are not common. One alternative technique is to construct a large area thermal neutron detector using 6LiF/ZnS(Ag)screens. These can then be read out via green wavelength shifters by PMTs or SiPMs.

What wavelength is the light emission of a scintillator material?

What wavelength is the light emission of a scintillator material?

Each scintillation material has a characteristic emission spectrum, with wavelength and intensity. The shape of this emission spectrum is sometimes dependent on the type of excitation (photons/particles).

Emission spectra of NaI(Tl), CsI(Tl) and CeBr3, scaled on maximum emission intensity.
Also a typical quantum efficiency curve of a bialkali photocathode and a Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPm) are shown above

This emission spectrum is of importance when choosing the optimum readout device (PMT / photodiode/SiPm) and the required window material. The graph above shows the emission spectrum of some common scintillation materials

Downloadable Resources 

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• Product Manuals


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Compton Suppressors: Practice and Theory Webinar