NIM Instrumentation - Complete Index, Test & Measurement

NIM Instrumentation - Complete Index

Model AP-3

Model AP-3 | Portable NIM Power Supply

The AP-Series Portanims are attractive, compact, portable NIM compatible bins with self-contained power supplies. The Model AP-3 can hold six singles or combinations of larger module sizes equivalent to six. Portanims are aesthetically designed to give a finished and pleasing benchtop instrument appearance to plug-in modules. They can be used for BNC modular digital delay generators, trigger...

Model BH-1

Model BH-1 | NIM Tail Pulse Generator (Obsolete)

The Model BH-1 is obsolete , please inquire about our Model 670C as a direct replacement

The Model BH-1 is a tail pulse generator which simulates the broad range of pulses encountered in the nuclear field. Typical applications of the Model BH-1 include: determining the proper timing of linear gates and...


Model DB-2 | NIM Random Pulse Generator

The Model DB-2 is a pulse generator which accurately simulates the random and pile-up characteristics of pulses from a radiation detector. It provides pulses which are mono-energetic over a broad range of average count rates. Under high count rate conditions, the pulses will pile up as shown in the diagram below. This characteristics is useful in determining pile-up or count-rate effects and...

Model PB-5

Model PB-5 | Precision NIM Pulse Generator

The PB-5 sets a new standard for precision pulse generators. It offers full digital controllability with a built-in ramp generator for linearity testing. It provides tail and flat top pulses with outstanding integral linearity and extremely low amplitude change with temperature. The PB-5 is capable of testing the stability, linearity, and resolution of the most demanding spectroscopy circuits...

Model TB-4

Model TB-4 | NIM Bin and Power Supply

Model TB-4 is a bin and power supply combination for plug-in modules. It can house twelve single-width modular instruments or a mixture of other sizes equivalent to twelve singles. Units that can be installed include BNC's modular digital delay generators, trigger pulse amplifiers, pulse generators, programming interfaces, and the instruments of other companies that are designed to NIM...

Model 8010

Model 8010 | General Purpose Pulse Generator (Obsolete)

The Berkeley Nucleonic's Model 8010 is an inexpensive general purpose pulse generator with a broad operating range. Its two outputs provide for the maximum in output waveform flexibility. For example, one may have TTL and ECL levels simultaneously. The internal clock rates, 1 Hz to 50 MHz, together with external trigger, single cycle, and synchronous and asynchronous gating gives the user a...